Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Assembly Source File
224 lines
.model large
.stack 1024
extrn fontset1:word
message db 'hey man',0
_Init_Font PROC FAR
push bp
mov bp,sp
lds si,dword ptr [bp + 6]
mov cl,byte ptr [si + 3] ; load # of colors used
xor ch,ch
mov al,byte ptr [si + 4] ; load starting color
xor ah,ah
add cx,ax ; end color =
dec cx ; numcolors + start - 1
add si,05h ; point to palette
push ds
push si ; start of RGB colors
push 255
push 0
call _Restore_Palette
add sp,8
pop bp
_Init_Font ENDP
; void Draw_String(byte far *fontdata, byte far *string,
; word xcoord, word ycoord, byte page);
_Draw_String PROC FAR
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov ax,0a000h
mov es,ax
lds si,dword ptr [bp + 6] ; DS:SI -> fontdata
add si,773 ; point to offset table
mov dx,[bp + 14] ; X coord
mov di,[bp + 16] ; Y coord
shl di,1 ; *16
shl di,1
shl di,1
shl di,1
mov bx,di ; save
shl di,1 ; *64
shl di,1
add di,bx ; *64 + *16 = *80
mov cl,dl ; get plane bits from X pos
and cl,00000011b ; keep in 0-3 range
mov ah,00010001b ; start at plane 0
rol ah,cl ; shift to proper plane
shr dx,1 ; divide X coord by 4
shr dx,1
add di,dx ; video offset to start at
mov bl,byte ptr [bp + 18] ; page
and bx,00003h ; keep in 0-3 range
shl bx,1 ; index *2 for word
add di,page_add[bx] ; final video offset
lfs bx,dword ptr [bp + 10] ; FS:BP -> string
mov bp,bx
mov al,02h ; 02h = map mask index
setupletter: xor bh,bh
mov bl,byte ptr fs:[bp] ; load letter from message
shl bx,1 ; *2 = word sized
mov cx,word ptr [si + bx]
mov gs,si ; save font pointer
sub si,773 ; back to start
add si,cx ; point to proper spot in font file
mov ch,byte ptr [si + 1] ; get X size
mov cl,byte ptr [si + 2] ; get Y size
add si,03h ; point to start of data
newplane: mov dx,03c4h ; sequencer reg
out dx,ax
mov dl,cl ; loop Y count
mov bx,di ; save video pointer
drawcolumn: mov dh,byte ptr [si] ; draw a column
mov es:[di],dh
inc si ; next byte in column
add di,80 ; next video line
dec dl ; decrement height
jnz drawcolumn
mov di,bx ; restore video pointer
rol ah,1
adc di,0
dec ch
jnz newplane
nextletter: mov si,gs
inc bp ; next letter in message
cmp byte ptr fs:[bp],00h
jne setupletter
pop bp
_Draw_String ENDP
; void Draw_Char(byte far *fontdata, byte far *string,
; word xcoord, word ycoord, byte page);
_Draw_Char PROC FAR
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov ax,0a000h
mov es,ax
lds si,dword ptr [bp + 6] ; DS:SI -> fontdata
add si,773 ; point to offset table
mov dx,[bp + 14] ; X coord
mov di,[bp + 16] ; Y coord
shl di,1 ; *16
shl di,1
shl di,1
shl di,1
mov bx,di ; save
shl di,1 ; *64
shl di,1
add di,bx ; *64 + *16 = *80
mov cl,dl ; get plane bits from X pos
and cl,00000011b ; keep in 0-3 range
mov ah,00010001b ; start at plane 0
rol ah,cl ; shift to proper plane
shr dx,1 ; divide X coord by 4
shr dx,1
add di,dx ; video offset to start at
mov bl,byte ptr [bp + 18] ; page
and bx,00003h ; keep in 0-3 range
shl bx,1 ; index *2 for word
add di,page_add[bx] ; final video offset
lfs bx,dword ptr [bp + 10] ; FS:BP -> string
mov bp,bx
mov al,02h ; 02h = map mask index
setupletter1: xor bh,bh
mov bl,byte ptr fs:[bp] ; load letter from message
shl bx,1 ; *2 = word sized
mov cx,word ptr [si + bx]
mov gs,si ; save font pointer
sub si,773 ; back to start
add si,cx ; point to proper spot in font file
mov ch,byte ptr [si + 1] ; get X size
mov cl,byte ptr [si + 2] ; get Y size
add si,03h ; point to start of data
newplane1: mov dx,03c4h ; sequencer reg
out dx,ax
mov dl,cl ; loop Y count
mov bx,di ; save video pointer
drawcolumn1: mov dh,byte ptr [si] ; draw a column
mov es:[di],dh
inc si ; next byte in column
add di,80 ; next video line
dec dl ; decrement height
jnz drawcolumn1
mov di,bx ; restore video pointer
rol ah,1
adc di,0
dec ch
jnz newplane1
pop bp
_Draw_Char ENDP
start: mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
; Initialize 320x200x256 tweaked mode
push 0
call _Init_Tweaked_Mode
add sp,2
push ds
push offset fontset1
call _Init_Font
add sp,4
push 0
push 80
push 65
push ds
push offset message
push ds
push offset fontset1
call _Draw_String
add sp,14
call _Wait_Key
mov ax,0003h
int 10h
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
end start